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What now?


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  • What now?

    I support Liverpool and so I'm not comfortable with sacking managers and I'm certainly not comfortable with fans booing and whistling its own side. It's just not how it's done at Liverpool, but I think we've come to the point now where we need to shelve long term stability for short term safety. Besides, Chaparro doesn't look like the man we could trust beyond this year, even if we avoided relegation.

    Have we reached the point now where we need to sack Chaparro and bring in someone like Serra Ferrer who both knows the club and can give us that final push to ensure we stay in La Liga this season? Relegation would be a disaster, especially when a potential takeover is involved.

    Yesterdays result was a real kick in the teeth and it'll be hard to get over, especially as we're now without Ricardo, Oliviera, Sergio Garcia, and Nelson for the next game. Probable side against Racing: Casto - Damia, Melli, Juanito, Monzon - Aurelio, Arzu - Juanma, Emana, Mark Gonzalez - Edú? (Also, I don't think Betis fans should be too hard on Ricardo. Yes, it was a mistake - although I think he got the ball; that challenge occurs all the time in the Premier League and nothing is given - but it's the first time he has cost us points. He has been a brilliant goalkeeper for us, the best in many a year, and deserves support).

    Anyway, isn't it truly time for a change or is there something more players and fans can do?

  • #2
    Respuesta: What now?

    Originalmente publicado por joaquin17ireland Ver Mensaje
    I support Liverpool and so I'm not comfortable with sacking managers and I'm certainly not comfortable with fans booing and whistling its own side. It's just not how it's done at Liverpool, but I think we've come to the point now where we need to shelve long term stability for short term safety. Besides, Chaparro doesn't look like the man we could trust beyond this year, even if we avoided relegation.

    Have we reached the point now where we need to sack Chaparro and bring in someone like Serra Ferrer who both knows the club and can give us that final push to ensure we stay in La Liga this season? Relegation would be a disaster, especially when a potential takeover is involved.

    Yesterdays result was a real kick in the teeth and it'll be hard to get over, especially as we're now without Ricardo, Oliviera, Sergio Garcia, and Nelson for the next game. Probable side against Racing: Casto - Damia, Melli, Juanito, Monzon - Aurelio, Arzu - Juanma, Emana, Mark Gonzalez - Edú? (Also, I don't think Betis fans should be too hard on Ricardo. Yes, it was a mistake - although I think he got the ball; that challenge occurs all the time in the Premier League and nothing is given - but it's the first time he has cost us points. He has been a brilliant goalkeeper for us, the best in many a year, and deserves support).

    Anyway, isn't it truly time for a change or is there something more players and fans can do?

    Interesting vision´s point, joaquin17ireland. In general lines, i agree with you -once more time- but i think that we could have taken a better choice at least two weeks ago: bringing us a new manager/coach. At this time it could be too risky: new coach, needing to know all about the team, club, stadium, etc... and with not too much time for training and preparing them. Serra would be a revolution here, but i even doubt if he could fix this situation; otherwise, we have a more real problem: Serra and Lopera aren´t in good relations (well, Lopera is who don´t wanna even ear the name of Serra).

    My only hope is that this season we are playing better far away from our Stadium -well, it could be better to say that more than "playing better" is more adecuated saying "having better results"-, and the next game is in El Sardinero Stadium versus Racing de Santander.

    I think that a Chaparro´s side could be:

    ----------------------- Casto (or even Rene or Adrian from Betis B as goalkeeper) ----------------------

    ----------Damia / Ilic ------------ Melli ------------- Juanito -------------- F. Vega / Monzón----------

    ------------------------Capi--------------------------------M. Aurelio--------------------------------

    Edu / Juanma------------------------------ Emana /Edu -----------------------------------M. Gonzalez

    -------------------------------------------Pavone / Edu ---------------------------------------------

    I think that the best position for Edu is behind Pavone (in the position where is playing Emana).

    P.D.: "Beware with Zigic".

    P.D.2: many time ago was the adecuated time for changing coach (as imperative); i doubt that at this time could be good... I dunno . Another problem is the atittude of some of our players; but i think that with a coach with strong personality could fix this situation.

    P.D.3: ask to our players concentration over all 90+ minutes of the game. VERY IMPORTANT.


    • #3
      Respuesta: What now?

      Well, Paco Chaparro (who I have a lot of admiration for) has been sacked. The replacement, José María Nogués, is less than inspiring. Hopefully it'll work out for him. It has to.


      • #4
        Respuesta: What now?

        Nogués es very similar to Chaparro as trainer; both have trained with very good results the Betis B. Thus, maybe he could save us from falling down to 2nd Division; anyways, i am not agree to prorrogue automatically his contract for next year by sealing this year the permanence.

        I understand that Nogués must be a provisionary coach for these last matches; and for the next year, we need to find a Mister with experience and ambition (for example, as M. Laudrup, Quique Flores, Unai Emery, Marcelino, Muñiz...).


        • #5
          Respuesta: What now?

          Dear colleagues,

          Now we need ONLY to stay in Primera, and all efforts must to focus to this.

          This season has been really crap, the team still needs a renovation and the coach must to be replaced for the next year.

          Nogués, to be honest, is not the proper person to be the director of the new project. Anyway I hope he will do correctly and we can stay in Primera.



          • #6
            Respuesta: What now?

            I think we must now fight for the future of Real Betis, It´s time for us fans and supporters -in the real sense of the word, not the meaning here in Betis - to take the reins and take a step forward, above players, above managers and most of all, above that one bloodthirsty ravenous scum who´s robbing and ruining our club.

            Let´s take good example from the supporters´ trusts, orgamnizations of Premiership fans throughout Great Britain, the seed from which PNB. stemmed. We´ve been pioneers in Spain, so we got the moral obligation to fight for a Free Betis for us all.

            Ahhhhhh!!! Those days in Birmingham, what good memories...
            Editado por última vez por pasión verdiblanca; en 20/05/09, 09:59:30.


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