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Velázquez: "What I see of my team makes me optimistic and very happy"


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  • Velázquez: "What I see of my team makes me optimistic and very happy"

    "If concrete is finished 100%, N'Diaye is a very good reinforcement", argued in relation to the possible arrival of Franco-Senegalese midfielder

    A little more than 48 hours before the premiere league CE Sabadell, Julio Velázquez offered this afternoon to the media the first press conference of the season. Betis coach happy with how his team comes to Sunday's game, fully appreciated the work done during the summer preparation.

    In addition, the coach of Real Betis official media recognized that Sergio Rodriguez definitely be part of the Heliopolitan template during the course 2014-2015, which will remain in the Betis box to fight for a place in search of coveted promotion.

    Finally, there will be Liga this weekend: "It's been a somewhat complex situation. These are situations that should not be worn, but must try to stand apart. We have not modified at any time planning. We leave open the organization of the start of the week, but since it was said that the league was going to start at the intended time, we have maintained the structure we had planned. We have faced the week quite naturally. "

    The possible suspension of the first day, how the training has affected ?: "In football, as in any area of life, it is normal that respects all professionals. The requirement is that the situations are as consistent as possible. From there, excessively worn is absurd. We have to control the organization of the week, the team arrives in the best emotional state to match Sabadell and for harmony. Otherwise there are other people who have these skills. It is fitting to be known and set everything with consistency, but from there things happen and no choice but to adapt to the different variants that have arisen. "

    Balance of the preseason: "I'm very happy with how the team is in the human. The team is looking forward to the start of the championship. The preparation of the template has not yet been performed at 100% and continue to build the game model. We arrived in good condition to compete, I am very positive about how the team and how we come to the first day. "

    Upcoming reinforcements: "There are situations where there is constant interaction between the coach and the technical secretary, as well as different parts of the Governing Council, but there are issues that must be internally".

    Two days before the start of the season, how do you see the template ?: "I'm happy with the squad in commitment and willingness. There is a wonderful group, we are in the right line. Foul complete what will be 100% of the campus. Typically not finish closing until the last day. I'm glad the group, I have great enthusiasm in the players we have. Those who were last year have an overwhelming desire to reverse the situation and change what happened last season. The best example of the illusion that there is the number of subscribers, there is nothing better measure denoting the desire to forget the past and spend all energies in this campaign. Those who have come new quickly identified with representing Real Betis. This synergy of those who were and those who come will give us something very nice. That human wealth will have a direct transfer in football. "

    Have you talked this morning with N'Diaye ?: "I had spoken to him. I'm waiting for everything to be done to realize. Just missing some fringe. If nothing strange happens, you usually have it in our template. I have greeted this morning, is now finalized everything. "

    Possible signing N'Diaye: "When closed can say more, but I think in football player who can give different positions on the central axis, as well as a central midfielder either. As midfielder has round, balance and hard work. It covers a lot of ground. As a center, he is a player who has good skills to go in fallback situations. You can master both roles perfectly. We will give packaging and consistency. In the human, so I speak peers and managers, references are wonderful. In conversations I have had with him, he is a guy that I think with a good heart. It's a very good reinforcement of concrete if it ends at 100%. "

    Do you see the team mentally prepared for the season ?: "I conceive football as a whole. The team has arrived safely, well you can not get wrong tactically and emotionally. We arrived in good condition on both sides, able to compete without any problem.. "

    Xavi Torres: "It comes from an excessively long injury. I'm really pleased with how it has evolved throughout the preseason. In the last two weeks we have been controlling loads in exercises in which you have been ripped and braking. There has been some discomfort which was not directly caused by the injury, but by the type of footwear and different variables that we have made ​​a little more caution. It is in a position to go convened and start to play as I consider appropriate. Adaptation levels are optimal. "

    Lolo Reyes: "obviously is not 100%. The processes are structured by something. Typically have a season 5 or 6 weeks at group level. Take those six weeks taking individually, but really is two weeks at the group level. It is not the optimal situation fully. Due to circumstances, the player is competing for the work without any problem. It is good, so that call will go to 100%. Considering you have to start playing, there would be no problem. If you had earned more weeks with the group, much better, but in Huelva and ended with a good feeling. Recovery times depend on the type of each player. Due to its structure, should not be many problems so you can quickly be on its optimum state. "

    With the possible arrival of N'Diaye, will not play again as midfielder Perquis ?: "Depending on the type of players we have in midfield up, seek to have consistency in the core of the team. In natural situations we could have Xavi Torres or Lolo Reyes. You had to be very careful with Xavi workloads. Within that caution and with its predisposition, was able to compete in many games. If at the end you end up close the signing of N'Diaye, will also be a player that we have had in the preseason. What to put Perquis midfield is not because, but because we must find a balance loads preseason. We had to find to be a little fair to Xavi. We have sought load that proportion could manage people and situations that subsidiary hadado Perquis us to Xavi did not have much load games. Reality makes me extremely happy and optimistic. "

    If N'Diaye fichando ends, ¿play in Sabadell ?: "From that solvent, there are different situations that are uncontrollable for the coach, such as transfer available. If everything was 100%, will be an option that will value until the end. "

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