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  • Re: La Liga

    Vilarrubí: Nobody at RFEF has backed Barca; The backbone of Spain’s success

    Barcelona social area vicepresident, Carles Vilarrubi, has launched a scathing attack on the lack of any defence for the club, by the Spanish Federation (RFEF), as well as raising conspiratorial suspicions that over the timing of the sanctions from FIFA.

    The debate over the FIFA sanctions levied by FIFA against Barcelona continue. Today and during a radio interview with RAC1, social area vicepresident of the Catalan club, Carles Vilarrubi, admitted astonishment that there has been no support or backing from the RFEF, who were also sanctioned by football’s world governing body.

    “I’m surprised that 48 hours after the RFEF and ourselves have been sanctioned, still nobody has come out to defend the Federation or even Barca; the backbone of the Spanish national team’s success. Nobody has come out to defend a club with 115 years of history. I’m absolutely stunned.”

    There was also a belief by Vilarrubí, that the FIFA sanctions are utterly disproportionate.

    “Something is going on here. We’re experiencing an exceptional situation, which is out of the ordinary. We have the sensation that something is happening. We feel bad that this gives us a sensation of being victimised.”

    Vilarrubí also continued with the suggestion that there is a conspiracy in play, what the Spanish media is referring to as a “black hand” behind the sanctions against Barcelona.

    “If FIFA had decided on sanctions in November of last year, how was it possible for them not to communicate them to us before now? Why do we only know about this in April of this year, towards the end of the season, when we’re in the midst of playing for our season? Do these sanctions intend to weaken us for next season? If we cannot make signings, does it weaken us or not?”

    The lack of understanding from the media, particularly within Spain, was also a point of criticism, suggesting that if this had happened to another club (a veiled way of meaning Real Madrid perhaps), the media would be in uproar against FIFA.

    “If this happened to another club, what would be happening at this time in the media of this country? We’d be torching FIFA and asking for the neck of Blatter. It’s a disgrace what is happening.”

    Vilarrubí accepted that a self-critical view should be taken, but also insisted that the La Masia model should be defended at all costs, whilst insisting that something underhand is going on, with the arrival of the sanctions against Barcelona.

    “Sure, we make mistakes, like all people who have such a difficult responsibility. We try to make as few as possible. However, La Masia is a model that was born 32 years ago by Oriol Tort. It’s a model respected by everyone. A model of excellence and international projection of FC Barcelona, which brings prestige to the club.”

    “This has come as a result of an anonymous complaint. It’s not just victimisation, it’s a fact. Understand that the regulations were introduced because not all youth development models, are of the same excellence as La Masia. There are people elsewhere who only serve to traffic in youngsters.”


    • Re: La Liga

      Siqueira set to be first Real Madrid summer signing

      Granada left-back Guilherme Siqueira, who has spent this season on loan at Portuguese giants Benfica, is reportedly set to become the first summer signing by Real Madrid, who were a matter of minutes from completing a deal for the Brazilian last summer.

      According to Spanish footballing TV show ‘Tiki-Taka’, Real Madrid have already secured their first signing of the summer transfer window. They claim that a leaked WhatsApp message from Brazilian left-back Guilherme Siqueira, has assured: “I’m going to Real Madrid.”

      This isn’t the first time that Siqueira has been linked with Real Madrid. At the very end of last summer’s transfer window, the Brazilian was in the midst of a triangle of moves, involving Granada, Real Madrid and Manchester United.

      When Manchester United made their last-minute approach for Coentrao, Real Madrid quickly got in contact with Granada, asking their club president Quique Pina and the player, to delay Siqueira’s loan move to Benfica. The player himself was waiting at the airport in Lisbon, holding off on completing his loan deal with Benfica, awaiting the final outcome of what was happening in the offices of the Bernabéu.

      Eventually however, Manchester United failed with their move for Coentrao, preferring an initial loan move, rather than an outright purchase and thus, the bid was rejected by Real Madrid, who in turn were unable to complete their move for Siqueira, having provisionally agreed terms with Granada in preparation.

      It seems that Real Madrid haven’t forgotten about the talented player, who has the opportunity to demonstrate his abilities on the European stage this season with Benfica, both in the Champions League and the Europa League. Siqueira also secured Spanish citizenship in December of last year.

      No clubs have yet confirmed or rejected the move though. Benfica, who have a €8 million option to make their move for Siqueira permanent, already paid Granada €1 million for his loan with them this season. Unless they have decided against taking up that option, which would leave Granada open to accepting a formal offer from Real Madrid, for around the same amount.

      Should this deal be confirmed, it would also suggest that Siqueira will arrive at the Bernabéu to compliment Marcelo, whilst leaving the future of Coentrao uncertain, possibly fanning speculation that Manchester United could return once more, for his signature.


      • Re: La Liga

        Barca board goes from one scandal to another ahead of crucial referendum

        Just when the controversy over Neymar’s transfer to Barcelona seemed to have left the club, the Catalans were hit by another blow. Fifa informed that Barcelona will not be allowed to sign any players during the next two transfer windows, as punishment for irregularities in the under-18 contracts made by the club.

        Many club figures have given their opinions on the case, and as the latest knock coincides with the referendum on Saturday regarding the remodelling of Camp Nou and its facilities, Barcelona is living a time that could end up defining its future.

        The former presidential candidate of Barcelona, Augustí Benedito, spoke to the press earlier on and also commented on the breaking news regarding the transfer ban set on Barcelona. “We have to do things according to the law”, he said. “If this [ban] is confirmed, it will be because we’ve done wrong and it would not be the first time. We cannot afford it”.

        Indeed, the transfer ban is yet another blow for the Barcelona board that has navigated from one crisis to another. Ongoing all the while is the presentation of the board’s project called “Espai Barça” that aims to remodeling the Camp Nou, its facilities, building a new Palau Blaugrana (basketball team’s stadium) and additional parking spaces within the Camp Nou. The project, however, has raised many concerns among the fan base and the club’s members, including Benedito who suggests the socios to vote for no.

        “We are voting in smoke. It is a dangerous blank cheque”, the former presidential candidate stated.

        By a blank cheque, Benedito refers to the members not knowing what they’re voting for. The remodelling plan hasn’t been fully agreed upon, the plans drawn are not conclusive and the financial figures given by the club leave space for speculation, and moreover, concern.

        “We can’t give them [board] a blank cheque. We have to choose between models that will lead us towards Real Madrid and Florentino [Perez], or the other”, he said, calling the Espai Barça a “propaganda campaing” that lacks open debate and transparency. ”There are indications that Qatar is behind this reform, and the club is not for sale”, he said. Qatar being linked to the project has been denied by the board, but questions remain.

        Benedito’s words echo the thoughts of many. In addition, he believes there should be a summer election in the club in order for Josep Maria Bartomeu’s board to either gain legitimacy or be removed from the club. Voting ‘yes’ in the referendum would put the club’s future at risk and damage future boards as well. In short, the vote on Saturday is not simply a vote for or against the stadium project, it’s a vote for or against the board.

        That very board has undoubtedly dug itself quite a hole. And unless the transfer ban recently set by Fifa is lifted, it will put the sporting excellence at risk as well.

        The Barcelona president Josep Maria Bartomeu faced the press on Thursday evening, but at the end of the day, his words might not have brought much comfort. “In February 2013 president Rosell sent a letter to Fifa asking for clubs like Barcelona to be an exception to their rules”, he said, stressing that such situations should be considered case-by-case, and that La Masia has brought great success to the club, also offering the youngsters excellent education and opportunities. Doing so – although defending Barcelona’s principles and good intentions – the president might have unintentionally admitted that the Catalans had known that what they were doing was against the rules, but decided to do it anyway because they considered the rule flawed and wanted Fifa to consider them an exception.

        Later on, however, the president insisted that Barcelona have “always complied with the rules demanded”, claiming that they are “outraged, victims of great injustice” and have ”some evidence that leads us to think someone wants to hurt our club.”

        The reaction to Bartomeu’s words in the social media was split: The majority was disappointed with Bartomeu blaming external factors, not taking the blame, while some felt related to Bartomeu victimizing Barcelona and placing the blame on Fifa whose credibility has undoubtedly taken knocks in the recent years. The large-scale reaction could indeed have a huge impact on the referendum on Saturday.

        And if not the Neymar deal, the recent events certainly cast a dark shadow of doubt above the board’s heads as well. Neymar’s case might have been mostly dealt with in the boardrooms, while the newest scandal will be visible on the pitch as well, to some extent at least. For years, the Barcelona fans have cried for a new central defender. Unless the ban is removed, one won’t arrive until 2015, and the club will have to cope with only Piqué, Mascherano and Marc Bartra. That is unless Carles Puyol changes his mind about leaving.

        The loan-returnees will ease the pain as Rafinha and Gerard Deulofeu seem destined to return to the Camp Nou, even though it still remains unclear how the ban will affect their futures. But whether that will be enough is another question: Tata Martino surely won’t be pleased, especially after having missed the majority of last summer’s window, too. The opportunity to evolve and strengthen the squad will have to wait, again, unless Fifa does indeed lift the ban like Barcelona and Bartomeu wish.

        The question is, will the elections too, have to wait?

        Saturday’s referendum will be telling. Should majority of the voters support the stadium project, the board’s position would look more guaranteed. Should the project be rejected by the members, however, the pressure to hold a summer election would pile up and the board’s already unstable Jenga tower might just tip over. Former club president Joan Laporta has previously hinted at running for president again, and perhaps a punch towards the current board was also his tweet soon after the news about the transfer ban broke: “Historically, Barca has been a global reference, for our sporting work and the work with young people in our youth system.” Should a new election be called, Laporta would surely fancy his chances.

        At the end of his press conference, Bartomeu also did turn the attention to Saturday’s referendum, asking for the members to vote in the name of the club’s democratic image, and went on to add that a ‘no’ in the vote would not make the board call elections in the summer. That, however, might be wishful thinking from his part.

        The latest scandals have inevitably tarnished the club’s image and affected the general opinion. Should that general opinion turn all the more negative, the pressure on the board would pile up and perhaps become unbearable. What’s certain, however, is that if Barcelona are to save what’s left of their previously squeaky-clean image, they can’t afford another scandal.


        • Re: La Liga

          Bartomeu: We want this understood – La Masia will not be touched

          Barcelona president Josep Maria Bartomeu addressed the sanctions placed on the club by FIFA, at a press conference on Thursday, in which he made it clear and in no uncertain terms, that nobody will undermine the excellence of their La Masia academy, or its values.
          Josep Maria BartomeuBartomeu appeared at a press conference to respond directly to the FIFA sanctions, first of which was regarding the action his club will take, to counteract the ban on making signings over the next two transfer windows.

          “We will present our appeal to FIFA in nine days and ask for the the suspension of measures, that would prevent us from signing players. If FIFA proceed with these sanctions, we will present a new appeal to CAS (The Court of Arbitration for Sport) and ask for precautionary measures to be taken, permitting us to make signing this summer and next winter.”

          The Barca president then went on to defend the values of the club, the excellence of their facilities and educational support for youngsters, making it absolutely clear that they are outraged at the sanctions, the about face actions of FIFA and that they will defend the name of the club and La Masia, at the highest of levels necessary.

          “Barca is in agreement with the FIFA regulations regarding minors, to protect them and to prevent them being exploited by people trafficking them for personal gain. At Barca, they will always find a club that defends the values of education. Barca is a club with a training centre, La Masia, we’re a club with a record of excellence and with a centre that is an example to all.”

          “I want to make it clear to socios and parents, that we are outraged. They are punishing a model that has been around for 35 years, they’re punishing the essence of our club, a model that even FIFA has praised when Xavi, Iniesta and Messi were the three nominees for the Balon d’Or.”

          “We will not renounce our educational model, we will defend all youngsters. We want this understood – La Masia will not be touched. We will take this as far as we have to, because the truth has to be told. We’ll keep going with this, right to the end.”

          Bartomeu also referred to the suggestions of a conspiracy being formed against his club, that there are those on the outside, who wish to cause harm. In that respect, he assured that they are fully investigating the matter and will take the strongest action necessary, against those responsible, once evidence is compiled.

          “We have noted externally that there are those trying to cause harm to Barca and we’re investigating that. We will find the person or persons behind this. We do things very well here, just the same though, there are those who don’t like that and are keen to destroy it, but they will not achieve that end.”

          “We have a lot of information, documentation and when we are certain, we will release the names of those behind all this. We’ve been suffering this a lot over the years and we have to say that enough is enough. They are attacking our model.”


          • Re: La Liga

            Bartomeu phones Blatter for face to face meeting over FIFA’s transfer ban

            Barcelona president, Josep Maria Bartomeu is in full-on damage control as it was reported that the Catalan boss has personally phoned FIFA president, Sepp Blatter to discuss the recent transfer ban handed down to the club over youth transfer violations.

            According to Spanish news service, EFE, Bartomeu called Blatter to formally reach out to the FIFA boss, who is in Costa Rica for the U-17 Women’s World Cup final between Spain and Japan, and openly discuss the bans and arrange a face to face meeting to argue their side of the situation, in addition to the appeal they have already lodged against the accusations.

            Spanish sports daily, AS is reporting that Barcelona will formally present their case in front of the appeals committee in 10 days and have made contact with several lawyers in the field of sports legislation to handle the case, which has massive implications, not only for Barcelona, but for all of Europe.


            • Re: La Liga

              Real Sociedad duo have no interest in Real Madrid move

              Real Madrid has reportedly set their sights on Real Sociedad duo, Íñigo Martinez and Ruben Pardo, but the Basque stars has no interest in making the move to the Spanish capital after seeing the lack of minutes for former teammate, Asier Illarramendi.

              According to Spanish sports daily, AS, following last summer’s €31 million purchase of defensive midfielder, Asier Illarramendi, Real Madrid are once more looking the San Sebastian for talent, this time coming in the form of Spanish international centre-back, Íñigo Martinez and midfielder, Ruben Pardo.

              The front office is naturally concerned with the constant interest in it’s players from clubs who are in a far better financial situation, but the players have give assurance that they have no intention of leaving the club.

              Martinez is a consistent starter, while Pardo believes he has a bright future and will only be able to reach that potential if he is able to play consistently and grow, something neither of them will find at Real Madrid


              • Re: La Liga

                Chelsea goalkeeper, Petr Cech stressed that he is not afraid of fighting for his starting place at Chelsea, despite the imminent arrive of Belgian international, Thibaut Courtois.

                In a recent interview with the Daily Mail, Cech spoke about his longevity and all the other goalkeeping prospects that have passed through the club while he continued to man the sticks.

                “The moment I feel I am not good enough to play at the highest level I will stop. I would like to continue.

                “I had Carlo Cudicini behind me when I came here, the best goalkeeper in the Premier League. When Ross Turnbull played for Middlesbrough he was a big English prospect. Hilario has always been ready to play, and you can see the difference at Fulham when Mark Schwarzer is there. And I’m still playing. This cannot be underestimated.”

                Cech then admitted that if Courtois, who is touted as one of the world’s best goalkeepers, returns from his loan spell with Atletico Madrid for good, he will fight for his place and accept the coaches decision.

                “If he comes back, and he’s better than me, credit to him. I am not afraid. I will still have to do better than whoever else is here to keep my place.”


                • Re: La Liga

                  Real Madrid goalkeeper, Iker Casillas showed no signs of wanting to leave the club anytime soon and hopes that this will be the best season of his storied career and the team can win the treble.

                  In a recent publicity event via the club’s official website, Casillas spoke about his season as a non-league goalkeeper, but is still as passionate as ever about his club winning the title over Atletico Madrid and Barcelona.

                  “We’ll know before the match what the teams ahead of us have done. We cannot afford any slip-ups. The match is very important because it is a difficult place to visit and we have to get all three points.

                  “I hope it is the best season of my career and we manage to win the two competitions I’m playing in, and of course La Liga. At the end of the season we’ll evaluate it. I don’t feel bad. It’s positive to reach the final of the Copa del Rey and to have the chance to reach the semi-finals of the Champions League. Let’s see if we can reach the final in Lisbon, which won’t be easy.

                  “Playing a La Liga match? I would love you to ask me that question on the 30th of April, because that would mean that Real Madrid is in the final in Lisbon. Until then we have to keep our minds off it because we have three matches to go, first on Tuesday and then a possible semi-final.

                  “Playing for Real Madrid day after day is always motivation in my opinion. It’s whoever the gaffer decides should play each match, and in this case the gaffer decided at the start of the season that Diego would play in the league and I would in the cup and the Champions League, we have to carry on like that. Diego deserves all the team’s respect and support. In the end it’s good for me and the team.

                  “I would like them to stumble tomorrow. What I will try to do is make sure that we don’t stumble. That’s the idea. We worry about us and win all the points and see what happens. We know that they play each other on the last day. All the teams have a lot at stake. We’re playing Celta who could be tough and an Espanyol who might be safe in our final weeks… every match in these two or three weeks is going to be important for everyone.”

                  Casillas went on to discuss the incident between Pepe and Sergio Busquets from El Clasico, and the Spanish national team captain feels that his compatriot was out of line.

                  “The video speaks for itself. Pepe has the support of Xabi Alonso and of all the teammates. There is a heated move and Busquets I think, from my point of view, was out of line. When I see Busquets I’ll give him a clip round the ear, nothing more.”

                  On the subject of the national team, Casillas concluded by discussing his own future and hopes for the World Cup, while also backing his teammate, fellow goalkeeper Diego Lopez, to join the squad.

                  “Of course [I'd like Diego in the national team]. In fact Vicente del Bosque planned for him to form part of the team a few years ago. It’s a decision that Vicente will take and I suppose that since the unfortunate injury of Victor he will have been watching other keepers and will have people who have kept an eye out, and will make the best decision for Spain. Of course Diego could be in the manager’s plans.

                  “I try to make the most of all the matches the gaffer gives me, for me, to see how I feel, and for the team, because I am responsible for doing well. Then we’ll see what happens in Brazil.

                  “My future? There are constant rumours but I have said this several times. I hope to stay here and finish my contract. The important thing is finishing the season and enjoying it, and we hope that it will be very positive for Real Madrid.”


                  • Re: La Liga

                    Zubizarreta: Other clubs do the same as us and we’re the only ones facing sanctions

                    Barcelona sporting director, Andoni Zubizarreta spoke about the match against Real Betis on Saturday evening, as well as the sanctions imposed by FIFA against the Catalan giants for illegal transfers of youth players.

                    In an interview following the 3-1 win over Betis, Zubi spoke briefly about the match before discussing the FIFA transfer ban and how that affects future transfers.

                    “Matches that come sandwiched in between Champions League matches are very difficult and that’s what happened today. The best thing was getting the result. The hardest thing for a referee is interpreting a play inside the penalty area. We had the ball, but we weren’t organised up top. We could have killed the match earlier at 1-0, but at 2-1 you always need to be alert.

                    “The FIFA punishment is unfair and disproportionate. We have the peace of mind that we always played by the rules. Everything depends on FIFA’s interpretation of Article 19. In Spain, Europe and the world a lot of things happen like this. We always address what they ask of us and since then end of November, nobody’s said anything. It sounds strange. Why? Because of the ban. There are several in the same position and we are the only ones sanctioned.

                    “We won’t speculate on the possibility of transfers and we’ll defend our rights. If they punish us, we’ll raise the appeal to TAS. Then we’ll seek an injunction.

                    “We’ll go about business as usual in regards to next season.”

                    Zubizarreta then addressed reports that he had submitted his resignation last week.

                    “A story was run yesterday but nothing happened. I feel very supported by the president and everyone here. We want to clear Barcelona’s name. I’m convinced we will. I didn’t submit my resignation, nor do I plan to. We’ll work through this difficult time and clear Barcelona’s name from this ban. That’s our mission.”


                    • Re: La Liga

                      Race heats up in Valencia sale process

                      Valencia correspondent, Hans Kristian Lange reveals that the sale of Valencia is heating up, as key players are beginning to emerge and Valencia’s “future” president, Alfonso Rus.

                      As the chosen committee members approach their second week of evaluation, some of the hidden characters are starting to appear in order to sway the voting in their favour. Most are still a bit subtle, leaking names of big signings to different parts of the press. Lim of course already signed Andre Gomes and Rodrigo, and is according to Portuguese media also in talks to sign Ezequiel Garay. Mario Alvarado’s offer has been one of the less known so far, as no-one expected him to make a bid. Now however, leaked information claim it is the highest value bid of all, financially. Today, rumours linking the Costa Rican to the signing of Edison Cavani also emerged, competing with the Arab offer’s interest in Luis Suarez. This is of course things you would expect in such a process that will never be confirmed by the party, but used to increase the intrigue about the offer.

                      We have several times mentioned the character of Alfonso Rus, a long time politician in the region and someone who has dreamt of adding “President of Valencia CF” to his long list of offices. On Saturday he broke the silence from the bids themselves by proclaiming at a gathering for the Spanish ruling party Partido Popular. Summing up his titles, he daftly added “…and soon to be president of Valencia CF”. He also included the populist statement “There hasn’t been any Moors governing here since Jaume 1″, hoping it would win him support against what he sees as the main contender to his collaborator’s bid, the Arabs. Apart from demonstrating his lack of cultural knowledge, he also revealed himself as relatively tactless. Instantly, the satiric twitter account CheCheChe, initiated a #RusVeteYa campaign which quickly resulted in a trend in the social media space. Clear message that he is not wanted anywhere near the club, and potentially damaging the possibilities of the Russian bid he supports (though some claim that is not the only horse he is betting on).

                      Before the game at Valladolid, Amadeo Salvo did not hesitate to share his thoughts on the process:

                      “He (Rus) seems to have a crystal ball. I have known him for years, he should have been more elegant. He should be careful. People might think he uses his political position to shift the balance towards one side.” Salvo also commented Valencia’s position in the sale process and claims that he himself has a role of both part and judge in the sale; “If someone is not both part and judge, it is Valencia. That is Bankia. We defend the institution. The president of Valencia will welcome with open arms the best bid. I simply put myself on the side of the best offer. Some are underestimating the power of valencianismo and don’t understand what it is. We will stand strong.”

                      Further to the process expected the next few weeks, he also had clear words for Bankia: “24th of May could be the date, but there are seven bids that need to be studied, and they have to be called as there are many things missing. We must nut hurry. This is our last chance. If we do not succeed, Valencia will disappear. The financial guarantee and the future functioning is secured. Hurrying is bad, we need to be prudent. ” I, for one, find it interesting he claims the offers are missing a lot of information. Having formerly heavily criticized leaks from the evaluation group, it seems kind of strange that he, who himself is not a member of the same, would know that a lot of information is missing.

                      So far, all of the seven offers have passed the cut. That means that all of them have provided sufficient documentation that they actually have the finances they claim. Of course this documentation still has to be validated with the institutions which have provided them. Especially in the case of Alvarado it is safe to assume that the evaluators will cautiously study any piece of documentation, after the same was proven invalid the last time the Costa Rican wanted to buy the club. Already Monday it is expected that the evaluation team will choose to leave 2-4 offers behind as they concentrate on the top contenders to prepare the voting in the Fundación which will eventually decide the outcome. The new owner is, as it stands, expected to acquire the club by the first days of June, but be wary of delays as the “war” continues. If one is to believe the rumours, we have not heard the real story yet.

                      At the current point of time, four offers are particularly often mentioned among the favourites; The Russian bid from the man behind Spain’s infamous wear for the 2012 Olympics, The Arab bid UP54 guaranteed by oil Super major Saudi Aramco, the Chinese offer from billionaire and Wanda CEO Wang Jianlin and the American investment fund Cerberus who has worked with Bankia on the bid for a long time. According to local sports paper Superdeporte, the front between Salvo on one side, Bankia on the second and Rus on the third is ice cold. Seems though, they have forgotten someone. Also, as I repeatedly have stated, there are things that are still not out in the open which will influence the outcome.


                      • Re: La Liga

                        Amorebieta: I don’t regret leaving Athletic

                        Former Athletic Club Bilbao defender Fernando Amorebieta has stated that he does not regret leaving the Basque club despite their great run in the league while he is helping new club Fulham fend off relegation.

                        Fernando Amorebieta spent his youth career at Athletic Club Bilbao and quickly became one of the faces of the team until he left Los Leones last summer on a Bosman transfer to join English side Fulham.

                        Since his departure, Athletic Club have gone on to grasp a tight hold of the fourth place spot in the La Liga table while Amorebieta is locked in a relegation battle with Fulham.

                        However, in an interview with El Correo, the 29-year-old center-back made it clear that he has no regrets about leaving his childhood club and is very happy plying his trade for the English side.

                        “I made the decision after careful thought and I think that it was good and the right decision because I’m very comfortable here. It was hard to leave after living so long in Bilbao, but I have no regrets at all, I’m very happy here … And that’s the important thing.”


                        • Re: La Liga

                          Rafinha denies talks with Bartomeu about his Barca future

                          Barcelona president Josep Maria Bartomeu recently suggested that he’d been in contact with Rafinha, about his future at the Catalan club, whilst assuring that the Brazilian will have an important role to play next season. Currently on loan with Celta Vigo, the player himself denies any such conversation has taken place.

                          Rafinha (Rafael Alcantara) has caused a bit of a stir on Tuesday, by denying that there have been any talks with Barcelona president Josep Maria Bartomeu about his future. Indeed, the younger of the Alcantara brothers, currently on loan from the Catalan club at Celta Vigo, also denied there’s been any contact from anyone at Barca, with his agents or even his father, Mazinho, about plans for next season.

                          “I’ve read about this in an interview, but we’ve still not spoken yet. Right now I’m focused on my work at Celta Vigo. I’ve not put anything on the table, or spoken with my father about my future. None of this is official.”

                          The 21-year-old went on to additionally explain that such talks, aren’t currently at the forefront of his mind..

                          “The only thing that matters to me at this time, is securing permanence in La Liga with Celta Vigo.”

                          Rafinha also suggested that it’s hard to understand the FIFA sanctions against Barcelona, but added that given he’s not there right now, it’s also difficult to add his thoughts to the matter.

                          “I can’t really understand why there’s this problem now, because they’ve always done things well at La Masia. Whichever way you look at it though, it’s not something that I can really give an opinion about, as I’m not there to find out what’s happened.”


                          • Re: La Liga

                            Rayo lose Viera for the rest of the season

                            Jonathan Viera, on loan at Rayo Vallecano this season from Valencia, seems set to have played his final game of the season, having torn a muscle in his left thigh.

                            Rayo Vallecano have announced on Wednesday that on-loan forward, Jonathan Viera, has suffered a tear in the femoral biceps of his left thigh.

                            According to medical services at the Vallecas club, Viera will be sidelined for at least four weeks, effectively guaranteeing he’ll miss the coming games against Espanyol, Real Betis, Granada and Athletic Club Bilbao, as well as the strong possibility that he may not be recovered for the final two games, against Villarreal and Getafe.

                            Viera has played 26 games in La Liga this season for Rayo, contributing 5 goals and has also made 2 appearances in the Copa del Rey.

                            If the injury prevents him from making further appearances this season, the final image he leaves behind at Rayo from their match against Celta Vigo last weekend, is hardly the most idyllic. Cameras captured shots of Viera spitting at Celta defender, Íñigo López, during the encounter.

                            If he can curb the frequency of such unsavoury incidents though, many of his positive performances this season with Rayo, give every reason that the former Las Palmas man can forge a bright future for himself, upon his return to Valencia.


                            • Re: La Liga

                              Row over Valencia shares end in an attempted kidnapping

                              Valencia correspondent, Hans Kristian Lange takes us through the bizarre tale of Juan Soler and Vicente Soriano, with Soler likely headed to jail for quite some time.

                              In the 1950′s a small family business was born in the Valencia province of a Spain still under Franco’s hard heal. It is said about Batista Soler that he has three things in life he loves; construction of apartments and houses, movies and football. His company; Bautista Soler Crespo was dedicated to the first of these, although he started out as a real estate agent. A man of passion and dedication, he also built the first cinema in the Valencia region in 1960 and he has since constructed more than 50 cinemas and had made 11 movies. One love had to wait though, the one for football. Having built up his fortune through a series of building schemes, he also allowed his son Juan Bautista Soler into the same business. The two made lots of money between the mid 90′s and the early 2000′s, buying what was at the time worthless properties and selling them as popular areas.

                              During the same period, Valencia CF under managers Claudio Ranieri and Hector Cuper, had won a title for the first time in decades, ad reached two consecutive Champions League finals. Then came a young, unknown, manager from Tenerife who led them to two league championships and a Uefa cup triumph. Even being a sportive success, Valencia was ravaged by a social war. The free speaking and unruly Paco Roig had taken control of the club through middle men buying up shares from smaller shareholders and achieved control in the mid 90′s, but had left the president’s chair after being sentenced by Mestalla. Even after withdrawing though, he remained the majority shareholder.

                              Enter Bautista Soler with a lot of money (31,5 million euros) to buy Roig’ shares, in reality worth much less. Even though it was the father’s money which bought the shares, they were quickly transferred to his son who also took over as president of the club. At the press conference, Soler said “With this we have tried to instil a social peace at the club and both I and my family see it as an honor to help the club and look forward to construct a stronger Valencia.” Maybe, that was the problem. The Soler family looked upon Valencia CF as any other project they knew; a construction. Press, local authorities and politicians all welcomed Soler and supported the whole process, also pressuring Roig to sell. Soler actually came near in securing Cristiano Ronaldo as an emblematic transfer, but in the end it failed due to sir Alex’ refusal to accept the 70 million euro bid he had cooked up together with the club’s sponsor Toyota. No doubt Soler wanted the best for the club both he and his father love.

                              Soler did what he knew best and initiated a grandiose construction process encompassing the construction of Nou Mestalla, the sale of the current Mestalla, the construction of a new sports complex and the sale of Paterna. At the presentation of the stadium plans he proudly stated: “We will build the best stadium in Europe. And we will have money to spare”. At the time it seemed perfectly logical. Spain was living a real estate boom unlike anything the world had ever seen, and nobody questioned that the sale of old Mestalla would raise an amount 100 million euros more than the construction of the new stadium would cost (which would be around 500 million euros). The building itself would be solved by a intricate scheme with several building companies, and the plan was to loan money first, then sell old Mestalla and agree to continue using it until the new was built ready. Enter the financial crisis. After the loan was taken up of course.

                              The crisis meant that the Spanish real estate bubble burst, and values collapsed. Nobody wanted to buy an old stadium only to be able to exploit the real estate after two years. Mestalla is now valued at about 130 million according to KPMG’s Due Diligence report, about half of the debt it supports. At the same time the club had spent so much money it was loosing 30 million euros a year. At the same time Soler had an ongoing feud with the second largest shareholder, Vicente Soriano, who challenge almost anything Soler would propose.

                              For Soler it meant the end of his days as president. At the same time his companies also suffered. As all were tied to the real estate business, projects collapsed and he personally amassed huge debts he couldn’t pay. He therefore decided to sell his shares through his arch enemy Soriano to the fraudulent company Dalport, who agreed to pay 85,4 million euros for the shares. It was when it was discovered that the Uruguayan based company didn’t have the money they claimed that the real downhill fall began both for Soler and Valencia CF. Both were at the brink of bankruptcy, and while the club was saved through the scheme where Fundación bought the shares with a loan from Banco de Valencia guaranteed by Generalitat Valenciana, Soler sued and won against Soriano after years of battle. As the money was demanded from Soriano though, he filed for personal bankruptcy and the 85,4 million euro claim from Soler was worth nothing. Already having both physical and psychological health problems from the strain of the failed Valencia project, the added burden of his companies going bankrupt brought him to rock bottom. His career was in ruins, and he could not show himself on the street in the city, being the very symbol of the club’s demise.

                              Valencia’s problems ended up in the sales process we follow these days, for Soler it took a turn towards desperation late last year. Yesterday, Soler was arrested, suspected of planning to kidnap his old rival Soriano. Through an Italian bar woner and middleman he supposedly contracted Colombian hitmen(!) and thus attempted the kidnapping of Soriano. The Policia Nacional had discovered the plans and alerted Soriano that “his life might be in danger”. Soriano have over the last few weeks had bodyguards following him around. Soler’s plan was tho force Soriano to Switzerland where he meant the bankrupt business man had hidden money.

                              The Colombians had been brought in from the South American country to take part in both planning and execution of the kidnapping. The Policia Nacional had managed to turn one of the involved parties and had come as as to record one of the planning meetings. The Colombians had also received parts of the payment for the job. If the plan had succeeded they would have assaulted Soriano in his home and forced him to open his safe where they suspected there was a large amount of money. Then they would have tied down and forced Soriano to Switzerland where they believed the bankrupt business man had hidden money.

                              Yesterday the police came to the conclusion that the plan was nearing it’s execution phase and chose to act. After refusin to answer any of the judge’s questions, Soler was penalized with a restraining order which says he has to stay at least 15 meters away from Soriano, he is denied the right to leave Spain and has to do regular check ins with the police.

                              Hopefully, this is the last chapter of a story that has cost both the club, it’s fans and the people involved dearly.


                              • Re: La Liga

                                Arbilla: I would be proud to return to Athletic

                                Rayo Vallecano right-back Anaitz Arbilla has revealed that he would love to return to former club Athletic Club Bilbao and is said to be on the club’s radar as he is out of contract this summer.

                                Basque giants Athletic Club Bilbao are heavy in search of a new right back to backup Andoni Iraola and possibly take over in the coming years and new reports claim that former Lezama standout Anaitz Arbilla is one of the first names on the target list this summer.

                                When asked about the rumors and possibility to returning to his boyhood club, Arbilla had nothing but fond words for Athletic and was clear when stating that he would love to wear the shirt again.

                                “It’s true that the press have been talking about possible interest. All I have are compliments for Athletic and am happy that they may be interested in me. I haven’t talked to anyone about it yet, but any player from Lezama would love to return. I would be proud to return to Athletic.”

                                Arbilla’s current contract with Rayo is set to expire this summer meaning he could join Ernesto Valverde’s squad for free this summer as the 26-year-old admitted that he has not discussed a renewal at this point.

                                “I have enjoyed my time at Rayo. It has been a good experience and I feel loved here. I have not discussed a renewal at this point. But I have not ruled out staying here, I am really happy where I am.”

                                The right-back went on to remark that it was hard to leave Athletic and he still has friends at the club, however the possibility of playing in the Champions Legaue may make the possibility of returning too hard to pass up.

                                “It was hard to leave Athletic back in 2008. While I was there I was very happy, but it is always hard to get into the first team so I had to move on to get minutes. I still have very good friends on the team there. I grew up with several of them at Lezama and maintain good relations. It would be very nice to go back and possibly play in the Champions League. But for now I am focused on finishing the season here, then I will look at my future.”

                                Along with Arbilla, Athletic are rumored to be interested in Real Sociedad right-back Joseba Zaldua and Alcorcon’s Mikel Iribas after their first choice Cesar Azpilicueta was ruled out due to his high standing at Chelsea.


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