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Mehmet Aurelio... INSCRITO


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  • Re: El Fenerbahçe no le da el transfer al BETIS

    pero si marco aurelio es jugador del betis y a firmado..porque no le da el transfer ya y se van ala estos tios ya?


    • Re: El Fenerbahçe no le da el transfer al BETIS

      El abogado que lleva el asunto dijo que no iba ha haber ningun preoblema y que se tendria dentro de poco el transfer provisional


      • Re: El Fenerbahçe no le da el transfer al BETIS

        Pues si no nos lo dan, vamos, y se lo robamos...


        • Re: El Fenerbahçe no le da el transfer al BETIS

          Vaya con el turco gracioso. A ver si va a ser el de la federación que no nos quiere dar el tránsfer y está aquí dando por saco el tío.
          Por lo visto mañana ya tenemos la licencia, pero en este club nunca se sabe...


          • Y Memeht Aurelio????....

            Señores a falta de 6 días para el primer partido y todavia no tiene el transfer. Me huele muy mal el tema. Aparte en Turquia hay rumores de que no esta a gusto aquí....chungo.

            A report in Turkish newspaper Vatan on Sunday indicates that the door is still open for midfielder Mehmet Aurelio to return to Fenerbahçe. Aurelio's status as a footballer is still in the air pending a legal case, and the Turkish citizen has yet to play a game for Spain's Real Betis. While it's not out of the realm of possibility, don't expect to see Aurelio with the Sarı Lacivert anytime soon.

            According to Vatan, Bayram Tutumlu, the manager for Aurelio, pressured the star into signing with Spain's Real Betis. Tutumlu and Fenerbahçe have been at odds in the past, despite the agent representing several Canary footballers. It has been widely reported this summer that Tutumlu drove the deal sending Aurelio to Real Betis. Fenerbahçe also issued a statement in recent weeks saying that Tutumlu lied to Turkish media over his dealings with the club.

            Aurelio left Fenerbahçe earlier this summer although the club had exercised the option on his one-year contract extension. It was determined at that time that the final year of the deal was only recognized in Türkiye, meaning the midfielder could sign with another team outside of the country and get out of his contract. Fenerbahçe have since taken the case to FIFA and the governing body of football has yet to rule on the issue. Because of this, Aurelio has yet to play for Real Betis.

            Rumours began to circulate in recent weeks that Aurelio was unhappy at his new home and never wanted to leave Fenerbahçe in the first place. According to Vatan, Aurelio is also not receiving payment from Real Betis yet. Several media outlets reported two weeks ago that Aurelio had called friends in Istanbul and expressed his unhappiness with his move to Spain.

            According to Vatan, Aurelio could still technically return to Fenerbahçe pending the FIFA ruling. Rumours indicate that the club wants to bring him back due to its dire need for a defensive midfielder. Turkish television network Lig TV is also reporting the Vatan( statement.

            Aurelio could still return to Fenerbahçe if FIFA rules that his contract must be upheld. However, the move is unlikely. Fenerbahçe has yet to issue any official comment on the matter. Vatan and Lig TV both report that sources close to the club say the rumours that Fenerbahçe wants him back are untrue. Those rumours also say the club is preparing a hefty raise for Aurelio to lure him back.

            Stay with Fenerbahçe Worldwide for the latest developments on the Mehmet Aurelio legal situation.



            • Re: Y Memeht Aurelio????....

              Originalmente publicado por MM Ver Mensaje
              Señores a falta de 6 días para el primer partido y todavia no tiene el transfer. Me huele muy mal el tema. Aparte en Turquia hay rumores de que no esta a gusto aquí....chungo.

              A report in Turkish newspaper Vatan on Sunday indicates that the door is still open for midfielder Mehmet Aurelio to return to Fenerbahçe. Aurelio's status as a footballer is still in the air pending a legal case, and the Turkish citizen has yet to play a game for Spain's Real Betis. While it's not out of the realm of possibility, don't expect to see Aurelio with the Sarı Lacivert anytime soon.

              According to Vatan, Bayram Tutumlu, the manager for Aurelio, pressured the star into signing with Spain's Real Betis. Tutumlu and Fenerbahçe have been at odds in the past, despite the agent representing several Canary footballers. It has been widely reported this summer that Tutumlu drove the deal sending Aurelio to Real Betis. Fenerbahçe also issued a statement in recent weeks saying that Tutumlu lied to Turkish media over his dealings with the club.

              Aurelio left Fenerbahçe earlier this summer although the club had exercised the option on his one-year contract extension. It was determined at that time that the final year of the deal was only recognized in Türkiye, meaning the midfielder could sign with another team outside of the country and get out of his contract. Fenerbahçe have since taken the case to FIFA and the governing body of football has yet to rule on the issue. Because of this, Aurelio has yet to play for Real Betis.

              Rumours began to circulate in recent weeks that Aurelio was unhappy at his new home and never wanted to leave Fenerbahçe in the first place. According to Vatan, Aurelio is also not receiving payment from Real Betis yet. Several media outlets reported two weeks ago that Aurelio had called friends in Istanbul and expressed his unhappiness with his move to Spain.

              According to Vatan, Aurelio could still technically return to Fenerbahçe pending the FIFA ruling. Rumours indicate that the club wants to bring him back due to its dire need for a defensive midfielder. Turkish television network Lig TV is also reporting the Vatan( statement.

              Aurelio could still return to Fenerbahçe if FIFA rules that his contract must be upheld. However, the move is unlikely. Fenerbahçe has yet to issue any official comment on the matter. Vatan and Lig TV both report that sources close to the club say the rumours that Fenerbahçe wants him back are untrue. Those rumours also say the club is preparing a hefty raise for Aurelio to lure him back.

              Stay with Fenerbahçe Worldwide for the latest developments on the Mehmet Aurelio legal situation.

              traduce tio, o al menos haz un resumen de lo que dice:


              • Re: Y Memeht Aurelio????....

                yo escuche en punto radio y radio marca...que hoy la fifa le daba el transfer al betis (fifa y liga turca no se llevan muy debido a las clausulas tan extravagantes que suelen imponer,a los jugadores)....espero que se aclare todo esta semana,pero ya se dijo hace tiempo que no habria problema!!!...saludos!!


                • Re: Y Memeht Aurelio????....

                  Que no esta agusto aqui!!!!!


                  • Re: Y Memeht Aurelio????....

                    Voy a traducírosloo mejor resumirlo:

                    Un artículo en el diario deportivo Vatan el Domingo indica que la puerta para la vuelta del mediocampista Mehmet Aurelio al Fenerbahçe está todavía abierta. El caso Aurelio está aún pendiente en el tema legal.

                    Según cuenta Vatan, Bayram Tutumlu, el representante de Aurelio, le presionó para que firmara por el Real Betis. Tutumlu y el Fenerbahçe tuvieron algunas disputas en el pasado, aunque representaba a varios jugadores de este equipo... Tutumlu tomó como golpe de efecto contra el Fenerbahçe el mandar a Aurelio al Real Betis, En contra el club publicó una nota donde decía que el representante había mentido a los medios turcos acerca de todo el asunto.

                    Aurelio dejó el club aunque este había ejercido la opción de prórroga de su contrato por un año. Parece ser que Aurelio podría romper esta clausula de renovación si decidía firmar por un club no turco, como lo es el Betis. Aún así el club turco ha puesto el caso en conocimiento de la FIFA, por esto aún no puede jugar con nuestro equipo.

                    Hay rumores de que Aurelio no es feliz en Sevilla y que nunca quiso dejar el Fenerbahçe. Según to Vatan, el turco no está cobrando aún en el club heliopolitano (supongo que no hasta que se aclare el caso).

                    Aurelio podría volver al Fenerbahçe si FIFA determina que su contrato con el Fenerbahçe debe cumplirse. Aunque no parece que esto vaya a producirse. Vatan y Lig TV señalan que fuentes muy cercanas al club dicen que los rumores de que el Fenerbahçe quiere al jugador de vuelta no son ciertas. Pero también señalan que hay rumores de que el club turco está dispuesto a hacer una oferta fuerte a Aurelio para llevarlo de vuelta a Turquía.


                    • Re: Y Memeht Aurelio????....

                      Da la posibilidad de que pueda volver al fernerbache


                      • Re: Y Memeht Aurelio????....

                        Originalmente publicado por MM Ver Mensaje
                        Señores a falta de 6 días para el primer partido y todavia no tiene el transfer. Me huele muy mal el tema. Aparte en Turquia hay rumores de que no esta a gusto aquí....chungo.

                        A report in Turkish newspaper Vatan on Sunday indicates that the door is still open for midfielder Mehmet Aurelio to return to Fenerbahçe. Aurelio's status as a footballer is still in the air pending a legal case, and the Turkish citizen has yet to play a game for Spain's Real Betis. While it's not out of the realm of possibility, don't expect to see Aurelio with the Sarı Lacivert anytime soon.

                        According to Vatan, Bayram Tutumlu, the manager for Aurelio, pressured the star into signing with Spain's Real Betis. Tutumlu and Fenerbahçe have been at odds in the past, despite the agent representing several Canary footballers. It has been widely reported this summer that Tutumlu drove the deal sending Aurelio to Real Betis. Fenerbahçe also issued a statement in recent weeks saying that Tutumlu lied to Turkish media over his dealings with the club.

                        Aurelio left Fenerbahçe earlier this summer although the club had exercised the option on his one-year contract extension. It was determined at that time that the final year of the deal was only recognized in Türkiye, meaning the midfielder could sign with another team outside of the country and get out of his contract. Fenerbahçe have since taken the case to FIFA and the governing body of football has yet to rule on the issue. Because of this, Aurelio has yet to play for Real Betis.

                        Rumours began to circulate in recent weeks that Aurelio was unhappy at his new home and never wanted to leave Fenerbahçe in the first place. According to Vatan, Aurelio is also not receiving payment from Real Betis yet. Several media outlets reported two weeks ago that Aurelio had called friends in Istanbul and expressed his unhappiness with his move to Spain.

                        According to Vatan, Aurelio could still technically return to Fenerbahçe pending the FIFA ruling. Rumours indicate that the club wants to bring him back due to its dire need for a defensive midfielder. Turkish television network Lig TV is also reporting the Vatan( statement.

                        Aurelio could still return to Fenerbahçe if FIFA rules that his contract must be upheld. However, the move is unlikely. Fenerbahçe has yet to issue any official comment on the matter. Vatan and Lig TV both report that sources close to the club say the rumours that Fenerbahçe wants him back are untrue. Those rumours also say the club is preparing a hefty raise for Aurelio to lure him back.

                        Stay with Fenerbahçe Worldwide for the latest developments on the Mehmet Aurelio legal situation.

                        ¿que esperas de una web turca?? pues que sigan dando por cuxxlo... se les ha ido un gran jugador y no saben como enturbiar el tema...


                        • Re: Y Memeht Aurelio????....

                          Originalmente publicado por MM Ver Mensaje
                          Señores a falta de 6 días para el primer partido y todavia no tiene el transfer. Me huele muy mal el tema. Aparte en Turquia hay rumores de que no esta a gusto aquí....chungo.

                          A report in Turkish newspaper Vatan on Sunday indicates that the door is still open for midfielder Mehmet Aurelio to return to Fenerbahçe. Aurelio's status as a footballer is still in the air pending a legal case, and the Turkish citizen has yet to play a game for Spain's Real Betis. While it's not out of the realm of possibility, don't expect to see Aurelio with the Sarı Lacivert anytime soon.

                          According to Vatan, Bayram Tutumlu, the manager for Aurelio, pressured the star into signing with Spain's Real Betis. Tutumlu and Fenerbahçe have been at odds in the past, despite the agent representing several Canary footballers. It has been widely reported this summer that Tutumlu drove the deal sending Aurelio to Real Betis. Fenerbahçe also issued a statement in recent weeks saying that Tutumlu lied to Turkish media over his dealings with the club.

                          Aurelio left Fenerbahçe earlier this summer although the club had exercised the option on his one-year contract extension. It was determined at that time that the final year of the deal was only recognized in Türkiye, meaning the midfielder could sign with another team outside of the country and get out of his contract. Fenerbahçe have since taken the case to FIFA and the governing body of football has yet to rule on the issue. Because of this, Aurelio has yet to play for Real Betis.

                          Rumours began to circulate in recent weeks that Aurelio was unhappy at his new home and never wanted to leave Fenerbahçe in the first place. According to Vatan, Aurelio is also not receiving payment from Real Betis yet. Several media outlets reported two weeks ago that Aurelio had called friends in Istanbul and expressed his unhappiness with his move to Spain.

                          According to Vatan, Aurelio could still technically return to Fenerbahçe pending the FIFA ruling. Rumours indicate that the club wants to bring him back due to its dire need for a defensive midfielder. Turkish television network Lig TV is also reporting the Vatan( statement.

                          Aurelio could still return to Fenerbahçe if FIFA rules that his contract must be upheld. However, the move is unlikely. Fenerbahçe has yet to issue any official comment on the matter. Vatan and Lig TV both report that sources close to the club say the rumours that Fenerbahçe wants him back are untrue. Those rumours also say the club is preparing a hefty raise for Aurelio to lure him back.

                          Stay with Fenerbahçe Worldwide for the latest developments on the Mehmet Aurelio legal situation.

                          Viene a decir:

                          1. Que todavia no hay resolucion FIFA
                          2.Que hay aun una posibilidad real de que vuelva a Turquia.
                          3. Que le presionó el representante para fichar por el Betis
                          4. QUE NO ES FELIZ AQUI PORQUE AUN NO SE LE HA PAGADO. (Esto lo pone como rumor y siempre segun el diario turco Vatan)
                          5. Que el anterior rumor se lo ha hecho saber a sus amigos de Turquia.

                          Si este tema , que todavia no deja de ser rumor fuera realidad seria un autentico marronazo a 6 dias del inicio.....OJO a este tema ¡¡¡¡


                          • Re: Y Memeht Aurelio????....

                            Originalmente publicado por GargantaVerdeyBlanca Ver Mensaje
                            traduce tio, o al menos haz un resumen de lo que dice:
                            Al principio habla de el representante que se lo ha llevado y mas o menos tiene mal rollo con el equipo turco vamos qu eha mareado al futbolista que como siempre son muy guenos y que le han preguntado como esta en españa y no ha contestado y que circula el rumor que se quiere ir y que el primer sitio que se iria seria alli de nuevo. Y del tranfer que ellos tienen la razon. ahhhh!!! y que de dierito no ha visto un pago pero no se confirma!!!!!!!!


                            • Re: Y Memeht Aurelio????....

                              bueno......esperemos que no sea verdad


                              • Re: Y Memeht Aurelio????....

                                Originalmente publicado por MM Ver Mensaje
                                Rumours began to circulate in recent weeks that Aurelio was unhappy at his new home and never wanted to leave Fenerbahçe in the first place. According to Vatan, Aurelio is also not receiving payment from Real Betis yet. Several media outlets reported two weeks ago that Aurelio had called friends in Istanbul and expressed his unhappiness with his move to Spain.
                                Quiero pensar que es falsa esta información de los periódicos turcos, pero el párrafo es para ponerse a temblar:

                                "En las últimas semanas han empezado a circular rumores de que Aurelio está descontento con su nueva casa y que, en primer lugar, nunca quiso abandonar el Fenerbache. Según el diario Vatan, el Betis todavía no le ha pagado a Aurelio su sueldo. Algunos medios informaron hace dos semanas que Aurelio llamó a sus amigos de Estambul para expresarles su descontento por haberse marchado a España"


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