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Marco Storari fichado??


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  • #16
    Re: Marco Storari fichado??

    Pues la verdad esq no lo conozco pero si está en el Milan muy malo no debe de ser. Lo malo es q se implique poco en el equipo al igual q pasó con Vogel.



    • #17
      Re: Marco Storari fichado??

      Po echarle un hojito a las noticias de, que el tio ya está en sevilla para pasar el reconocimiento mé cagón´tó un portero cedido rebotado del Milan...yo que se pero a mi no me gusta un pelo, ojalá quiera Dios que me equiboque


      • #18
        Re: Marco Storari fichado??

        esta ya en sevilla negociando. otro de los fichajes que le gusta a ruiz, llegaria cedido con opción a compra


        • #19
          Re: Marco Storari fichado??

          7 goles en 3 partidos???? Doblas quedate.


          • #20
            Re: Marco Storari fichado??

            Originalmente publicado por Jarni Ver Mensaje
            7 goles en 3 partidos???? Doblas quedate.
            Y en el Milan xDDD


            • #21
              Re: Marco Storari fichado??

              otro patato de los que les gustan al dictador, nos bombardean con un portero de primer nivel y nos traen a un don nadie para ser portero titular, mira que doblas es malo, pero como que lo prefiero, mas vale muymuy malo conocido que buen por conocer, como el impresentable siga asi, habiaos nos veremos, o fichajes de garantias o te espera un infierto dictador lopera y cuchara destierro ya, lo pagareis.


              • #22
                Re: Marco Storari fichado??

                Es lo normal, no creo que Lopera este por la labor de gastar dinero y seguro que el representante viendo que le queda un año de contrato, esta moviendo a su jugador para que el equipo lo renueve. No creo que haya otra cosa, asi que nos quedamos con el italiano...

                ¡ VIVA EL BETIS !


                • #23
                  Re: Marco Storari fichado??

                  Na mas que hay que verle la cara..... este no sirve ni de portero de su casa


                  • #24
                    Re: Marco Storari fichado??

                    Todos los veranos igual....... el año pasado con Nené... Nené, Nené, Nenéeeee..... pos toma Wagner

                    este año.... Ricardo, Ricardo, Ricardoooo..... y cuando te lo empiezas a creer..... pos toma Storari


                    • #25
                      Re: Marco Storari fichado??

                      Es un portero que vendría cedido del AC Milan con una opción de compra. Podría ser una de las muchas jugadas de nuestro presidente para meter prisa a Ricardo del Sporting de Lisboa.


                      • #26
                        Re: Marco Storari fichado??

                        Originalmente publicado por JiPg17 Ver Mensaje
                        Es un portero que vendría cedido del AC Milan con una opción de compra. Podría ser una de las muchas jugadas de nuestro presidente para meter prisa a Ricardo del Sporting de Lisboa.
                        Si si nuestro "consejero delegado" tiene muchas jugadas... es el Ronaldinho de los negocios


                        • #27
                          Re: Marco Storari fichado??

                          Mas que una jugada de Lopera para meter presion, creo que es del representante para que se mueva lo de su jugador, no creo que tenga Lopera mucha intencion de gastar... y menos en un portero.


                          • #28
                            Re: Marco Storari fichado??

                            Marco Storari is a goalkeeper with a big personality and tons of talent, who has been outstanding for Messina during their recent battles against relegation from Serie A. The Pisa-born Storari started out at Perugia but failed to make a league appearance in his three years with the Umbrian club and moved on to Ancona in 1998. After a promising start with the Biancorossi, Storari lost his first-team place to Alessio Scarpi and signed for Napoli in summer 2002. Storari never really settled in Naples and moved south to Messina in January 2003. He was a revelation in Sicily and gained rave reviews for his standout performances for the Biancoscudati. Storari began to attract the attention of some of Italy's bigger clubs. He was linked with a possible move to Roma, before he committed his future to Messsina by signing an extended contract that would have kept him at the Stadio San Filippo until at least summer 2008. Storari is a strong and fearless shot-stopper and became a cornerstone of the Messina side where he wore the captain's armband with pride. His love affair with Messina took a shock turn, however, in January 2007 when AC Milan - who were in the middle of a goalkeeping crisis - made a surprise swoop for the Italian stopper. He made an immediate impact, deputising superbly for number one keeper Dida but following the Brazilian's return to fitness has found himself relegated to the bench. After a stuttering start to his career, he has developed into one of the most influential keepers in top-flight Italian football and having only just entered his 3rd decade, must hope that he will be Dida's long-term successor between the sticks at the San Siro.

                            Hombre.... tampoco parece tan malo XD


                            • #29
                              Re: Marco Storari fichado??

                              ¿¿¿¿¿ HABEIS VISTO LA CARA DE PORRETA DE ESTE TIO???? jo.der!! yo no se si sera bueno o no pero desde luego tiene pinta de acabar con todas las existencias del cerro, torreblanca y algunos sitios mas


                              • #30
                                Re: Marco Storari fichado??

                                Originalmente publicado por Verdy Ver Mensaje
                                Marco Storari is a goalkeeper with a big personality and tons of talent, who has been outstanding for Messina during their recent battles against relegation from Serie A. The Pisa-born Storari started out at Perugia but failed to make a league appearance in his three years with the Umbrian club and moved on to Ancona in 1998. After a promising start with the Biancorossi, Storari lost his first-team place to Alessio Scarpi and signed for Napoli in summer 2002. Storari never really settled in Naples and moved south to Messina in January 2003. He was a revelation in Sicily and gained rave reviews for his standout performances for the Biancoscudati. Storari began to attract the attention of some of Italy's bigger clubs. He was linked with a possible move to Roma, before he committed his future to Messsina by signing an extended contract that would have kept him at the Stadio San Filippo until at least summer 2008. Storari is a strong and fearless shot-stopper and became a cornerstone of the Messina side where he wore the captain's armband with pride. His love affair with Messina took a shock turn, however, in January 2007 when AC Milan - who were in the middle of a goalkeeping crisis - made a surprise swoop for the Italian stopper. He made an immediate impact, deputising superbly for number one keeper Dida but following the Brazilian's return to fitness has found himself relegated to the bench. After a stuttering start to his career, he has developed into one of the most influential keepers in top-flight Italian football and having only just entered his 3rd decade, must hope that he will be Dida's long-term successor between the sticks at the San Siro.

                                Hombre.... tampoco parece tan malo XD
                                Hombre.... si lo traduces mejor jaja.... que aqui algunos tenemos el Ingles que aprendimos con los muñequitos de Disney


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