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Segunda Focus: Betis si, Lopera no


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  • Segunda Focus: Betis si, Lopera no

    It continues to be a theme that won't go away because the people simply won't let it.

    I am of course talking about the situation at Real Betis where the fans have had enough. Remember the joke I used several weeks ago talking about the 'Beticos' rounding up the pitchforks to hunt down their detested club president Manuel Ruiz de Lopera? At this point, I think it might actually happen.

    In the wake of week 42 in the Liga Adelante that saw Betis lose out on promotion to the Primera, an even bigger groundswell of emotion and passion has emerged from the often-suppressed Betis fans.

    Look no further than the rabid followers on the website '' where the overriding message is this:

    'We love Betis. We love our club. But we hate our President.'

    Other comments like this:

    'Betis should return to what it once was... Although we were in the third division, then the second division, it didn't matter. We fought. He gave our hearts. It was passion. It was futbol. It was fighting. IT WAS REAL BETIS.'

    Then there is the direct fingering of Lopera as the culpable source of their misery:

    'We are paying tickets for second division games at a first division rate. Unfinished construction to the stadium. Lying to the fans about available tickets to be sold. Insults directed towards the club's 'socios', the people who are the members of the club and season ticket holders.

    Despite a petition signed by 50,000 Beticos asking for his removal as President, things remain unchanged and the 'Dictadura Loperiana' is still in tact.

    I can't help but think what makes this all worse for the Betis fans is that their long time crosstown rivals from Sevilla continue to play at a high level and thrive in Spain's Primera.

    In the last five years, it has been Sevilla who has taken home two UEFA Cup title. It has been Sevilla who has lifted the Copa del Rey in front of 'Sus Majestades' an astounding three times. It has been Sevilla who has advanced to the knockout round of the Champions League on two separate occasions.

    If you don't think it pains Betis fans to see the success of their neighbors, then you don't know your Spanish futbol.

    It wasn't long ago that Betis was top dog in the Andalucian city and it was Betis who were playing in European competitions. But those days are long gone and you get the feeling that as long as Lopera stays in charge, it'll never change.

    If you look at it anatomically, it's fairly straightforward. The heart and soul of Betis will forever live. It will also be beating and will always have a soul.

    But the head and central nervous system can't seem to get any blood into the brain. It's too far removed and is on life support.

    Please Lopera, pull your own plug and let Betis live.

  • #2
    Respuesta: Segunda Focus: Betis si, Lopera no

    I totally agree with you.
    I hope that Lopera give up to kill to the Betis.


    • #3
      Respuesta: Segunda Focus: Betis si, Lopera no

      Originalmente publicado por oliver Ver Mensaje
      I totally agree with you.
      I hope that Lopera give up to kill to the Betis.
      que conste que soy español ehh


      • #4
        Respuesta: Segunda Focus: Betis si, Lopera no

        Originalmente publicado por oliver Ver Mensaje
        que conste que soy español ehh
        jajajaja...I am Spanish too

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