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Domínguez Villar Platas is filed and meets with Sanchez Arminio


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  • Domínguez Villar Platas is filed and meets with Sanchez Arminio

    The president of Real Betis, Manuel Domínguez Platas , accompanied by Vice President, Fernando Casas , and counselor Sánchez José Antonio Pino , responsible for representing the Betis in club meetings in Madrid, have moved to the capital to present to the President of the Royal Spanish Football Federation, Angel Maria Villar , the "new road map of current advice and exchange views on various issues of interest to Real Betis" , as the club Betis announced through its official website . Dominguez Homes Platas and have also been submitted in person to Villar and held a meeting that has lasted for more than an hour.

    Furthermore, the presence of Dominguez Homes Platas and facilities in Soccer City has also served for a meeting with President of Referee Technical Committee, Arminio Victorian Sanchez , with which they also met. Although the official note of the club does not refer, it is logical that, in addition to the new governing lodged personally, Platas & houses have shown the relevant complaints about refereeing errors that Betis wins in several games this season .

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