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Baptistão: "I say it's the biggest derby in Spain"


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  • Baptistão: "I say it's the biggest derby in Spain"

    Leo suffered an incident (Betis, Osasuna 13/14)Leo Baptistão experiencing one of the happiest weeks since arriving in Heliopolis, a premiere striker in the shirt of Betis, are added to the good feeling that he demanded to be the star signing of the winter market and the excitement of their first live Seville derby.

    The Brazilian told the official media attended and conducted an interview with the official website of Betis "I've heard a lot of this match. I have seen derbies, but I've never experienced one or the field or in the city. I say it means for the city, which is the biggest derby in Spain, an incredible event. It will be a nice game of life. "

    Betis striker said in the dressing room that no one thinks of the results achieved in recent derbies in Pizjuan "You gain no rematch. What has happened, is gone. We want to play good football and prove to ourselves and the fans that we are a united and winning team wants the win. We want to make the name of Betis clean and high as it should be "

    He was also asked if he had any celebration planned by mark at home if the rival "I do not know how you held me nothing comes to mind. When a goal trademarks are many feelings and just doing a lot of things that you had planned to do. I do not know how I would. "

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