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'Locura, pasión y electricidad', el Betis según los ingleses


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  • 'Locura, pasión y electricidad', el Betis según los ingleses

    'Locura, pasión y electricidad', el Betis según los ingleses

    "Entrenador loco, afición apasionada y estilo eléctrico". Con esta frase, se resume qué es el Betis visto desde Inglaterra. Y razón no le falta en muchos aspectos. Para el rotativo 'Daily Mirror', el Betis y todo lo que lo rodea no pasan desapercibido y se rinde a su particular idiosincracia.
    Para la prensa inglesa, Pepe Mel es un "técnico loco, sin pretensiones y que habla claro". Sin duda, el carácter y la sinceridad que muestra el madrileño en todas sus apariciones no es demasiado habitual en el mundo del fútbol, y quizás esa personalidad es lo que le ha convertido en "un punto clave de la reciente historia del club". En el diario resaltan lo inédito de que el técnico permaneciera en el banquillo la temporada pasada tras la racha de diez encuentros sin conocer la victoria, algo que habitualmente no se llega a sostener ni en la mitad de partidos.
    Por otra parte, el artículo dedica gran parte de sus halagos a la afición, "ruidosa, orgullosa y siempre fiel". Apuntan la constancia de los aficionados béticos tanto en Primera división, con "afluencia al estadio superior a la de Valencia o Atlético de Madrid", como en Segunda, cuando "más de 30.000 personas seguían apoyando al equipo a pesar de los malos momentos económicos". Sobre el encuentro en Getafe, los cuatro goles anotados por el Betis provocaron, según el diario inglés, que "las sonrisas de los aficionados calentaran la noche helada de Madrid".
    En cuanto al estilo de juego de la plantilla y sus principales jugadores, el rotativo no duda en resaltar "el ritmo eléctrico, directo y vistoso" del equipo y la figura de Beñat. Aseguran que "el toque y la magia" son las señas de identidad del Betis y que su "juego directo es ya más que tradicional". Respecto a Beñat, también se hacen eco de la importancia del jugador en el plantel verdiblanco, de que "media Europa intenta apoderarse del futbolista vasco" y que, aunque con toda probabilidad le queda poco tiempo en el club, "hasta entonces estará dando lo mejor de él".
    El realismo de que la situación actual en la cuarta plaza de la Liga es pasajera también es señalado por el 'Mirror'. Comentan que "tras los 38 partidos de la temporada, el Betis no terminará cuarto casi seguramente", pero lanzan un mensaje de optimismo invitando a "disfrutar del momento después de volver del infierno". "Es bonito pensar que podría haber un poco de bético en todos nosotros", concluye el texto, cuya versión al completo se puede encontrar en: La Liga blog: With their mad manager, passionate fans and electric style, it's hard not to like Real Betis - David Cartlidge - Mirror Online


    There's something about Real Betis: With their mad manager, passionate fans and electric style, it's hard not to like the Beticos

    7 Nov 2012 13:19
    Now in fourth after their win at Getafe, no one other than Sevilla fans will begrudge them their success

    Main man: Benat celebrates his goal with his Betis team-mates
    There's something special about Real Betis, and it's very hard to have any sort of dislike for them - unless that is of course, you're a Sevilla fan.

    For a start, there is Coach Pepe Mel: he's a straight talker, with no pretense. He'll crack a joke, and tell you if his team were rubbish at the weekend.

    Take last season for instance when asked about the possible relegation of his team, Mel replied: "I'd prefer my daughter get pregnant than us go down". That the board decided to stick with him last season after a 10-game winless streak, proved to be a key point in their recent history. Other clubs dispatched coaches left, right and centre. Some of them went down, Betis did not.

    Then there are the fans. When average attendance tables come out, Betis are always near the top with the traditionally more successful sides like Valencia and Atletico Madrid. Even when they were relegated to Segunda they managed to pull in 30,000-plus, which at the time was more than half the Primera could manage. Beticos are loud, and probably even more proud.

    Then there is the football: they're a club who have always had a tradition of attacking play, via their wingers and swift midfield exchanges. Even in the raggedy reaches of Segunda, it was hard to take your eyes off them. Poor pitches? No problem, they'd pass right through you.

    It's apt then, that in Monday night's win against Getafe, all the aforementioned qualities were prevalent. Mel was gesticulating from the touchline, his cartoon-like head bellowing at his players, and in the post-match press conference he dropped a few bombs.

    Benat, the club's star player, had perhaps hit the best free-kick taken in Spain this season. Mel didn't care; "He wasn't even that good today. If he's capable of doing that playing at 60%, we need to everything we can to get him at 90%."

    Mad Mel: The Betis boss is gloriously unique Then there was the football. Betis swaggered through a freezing cold Madrid evening with their typical style and grace. A few passes in midfield before a switch of play here and there.

    They played with their usual quick, direct wingers and subtle central midfielders. Ruben Castro lead the attack and did what he does best by notching another goal, his fourth of the season. The magic really does happen in midfield though, as the duo of Benat and Salva Sevilla stroke the ball around without a care in the world. Both lack pace, or physical strength, but possess quick football brains and a sweet touch.

    All the attention at this moment though, is on Benat. He smashed home a free-kick that nearly broke the net and post-game looked to calm speculation about his contract. Sides across Europe are keen to snap up the Basque midfielder, who has two years left on his deal, as they become more and more aware of his technique, vision and easy-on-the-eye style.

    Betis have a wage cap as a result of their administration and hard ball is being played by both parties, which means Benat is left in a sort of limbo. Still, he's not letting it show on the pitch. He's scored two, assisted four and is grabbing all the headlines. 'BRUTAL BENAT' read one on Tuesday morning. Betis may not have him for too much longer, but they're sure making the most of him.
    Then there were the fans. All four goals were scored in front of them, and all four came from players with the club during their promotion year in Segunda. Those in attendance stuck by them during those traumatic years and deserve these sorts of scenes more than most. "Muscho Betis!" They chanted and it, along with their smiles, warmed the freezing cold night.

    The victory sent them fourth, and it meant the club's third best start after 10 games in their history, only bettered in 1935 and 1963.

    No one expects them to be there after 38 games and they probably won't be, but when you've been to hell and back on several occasions you enjoy the moment. It's nice to think there might be a bit of a Betico in all of us.

  • #2
    Re: 'Locura, pasión y electricidad', el Betis según los ingleses

    If you really want to know, look in The Mirror

    Wow. Huge thanks to British journalist David Cartlidge - who's been writing well informed articles on Betis all over the internet for quite a while - for dedicating his blog on La Liga for the Daily Mirror to the verdiblancos yesterday. It's a really touching piece and quite humbling to think that the name Real Betis is getting such mainstream attention in the UK once again (although I'm not sure I'd really describe Pepe Mel as mad...).


    • #3
      Re: 'Locura, pasión y electricidad', el Betis según los ingleses

      Creo que este periodista sólo conoce al Betis muy superficialmente. Es evidente que el Betis tiene una idiosincracia particular, pero ¿entrenador loco? ¿más espectadores que el Valencia y el Atlético?


      • #4
        Re: 'Locura, pasión y electricidad', el Betis según los ingleses

        Originalmente publicado por Baeticus Astigitanus Ver Mensaje
        Creo que este periodista sólo conoce al Betis muy superficialmente. Es evidente que el Betis tiene una idiosincracia particular, pero ¿entrenador loco? ¿más espectadores que el Valencia y el Atlético?
        Le embargaría la emoción y la magía,está muy bien el artí cara al exterior.
        Editado por última vez por Balompédico; en 09/11/12, 00:51:32.


        • #5
          Re: 'Locura, pasión y electricidad', el Betis según los ingleses

          Originalmente publicado por Baeticus Astigitanus Ver Mensaje
          Creo que este periodista sólo conoce al Betis muy superficialmente. Es evidente que el Betis tiene una idiosincracia particular, pero ¿entrenador loco? ¿más espectadores que el Valencia y el Atlético?
          Mejor esto, que lo que suele hablar de nosotros desde la caverna y los biriperiodistas.


          • #6
            Re: 'Locura, pasión y electricidad', el Betis según los ingleses

            Es bonito ver como nos ven desde fuera de españa, nos valoran mas lo de fuera que los periolistos de madrid o barcelona


            • #7
              Re: 'Locura, pasión y electricidad', el Betis según los ingleses

              Great article to read. I am proud to be a Betico.


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